About Me

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Back in the 80s, I wrote a book called "Voyaging on a Small Income", which was published and sold astonishingly well. It’s become almost a “classic” and is probably why you’ve found this site! I’ve been living aboard and sailing since the 70s. Nine different boats have been home, sometimes for several months, sometimes for many years. I love the way of life, the small footprint and being close to Nature. I’m a great fan of junk rig and having extensive experience with both gaff and bermudian rig, I wouldn’t have any other sail on my boat. It’s ideal as a voyaging rig, but also perfect for the coastal sailing that I now do. I’d rather stay in New Zealand, not having to keep saying goodbye to friends, than go voyaging, these days. Between 2015 and 2021, I built the 26ft "FanShi", the boat I now call home. For the last 45 years or so, my diet of choice has been vegetarian and is now almost vegan. I love cooking and particularly enjoy having only myself to please. I am combining all these interests (apart, perhaps, from junk rig!) in this blog. I hope you enjoy it. I also have other blogs: www.anniehill.blogspot.com and http://fanshiwanderingandwondering.wordpress.com
Showing posts with label Sunflower seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sunflower seeds. Show all posts

06 May 2024

Sun-dried tomato pesto

Blender alert
I love sun-dried tomato pesto: it has a rich and intense flavour, softened by the nuts. It makes an excellent spread, is a superb grown-up substitute for tomato ketchup and I like to use it as a base for frying pan pizza. As long as you have a blender, it’s also easy to make, but I'm afraid that in this case, the blender is a necessity.
Most pesto recipes, including those based on tomatoes, call for fresh basil, but all too often, this is inappropriate for a voyaging boat. It’s usually relatively expensive, it doesn’t keep well, even if you have a fridge and a ‘bunch’ of basil is not very quantifiable. Moreover, this is only something that is available when you have frequent access to shops. I add a teaspoon of dried basil to this pesto, but if you feel it tastes wrong, you can leave it out altogether! Or add more if you wish. Or even add fresh basil should you be lucky enough to have some. But this is intended as a voyaging recipe that you can make from ingredients that you have in your lockers.  
Makes about 1 cup
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
3/4 cup sun-dried tomatoes, packed in oil, including oil
1 clove garlic, peeled and roughly chopped
1 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp vinegar or lemon juice*
salt and pepper
  • I suggest whizzing up the sunflower seeds first. This way you can chop them to the extent that you want. They are unlikely to get pulverised, once you’ve added the tomatoes.
  • Once the sunflower seeds are chopped up, add the tomatoes, garlic, nutritional yeast, basil and vinegar. Blend to a chunky consistency. 
  • Now carefully separate the blender and taste. Add more vinegar if you think it’s required.  
  • Check the saltiness - some sun-dried tomatoes are much saltier than others - and adjust, then add a good grinding of pepper. If the pesto seems too thick - and it probably will - add some water. Blend and check the consistency again (you might be able to do this simply by shaking the goblet), leaving it chunky or making it smooth, as you wish. You may need to add water several times some tomatoes seem denser than others.
Decant it into a glass jar, for preference. Use it more as a condiment than a dip - it’s quite strongly flavoured. However, it would make a brilliant pâté, mashed with some white beans.
  • Theoretically, this should be kept in the fridge, but I’ve found that as all the ingredients keep without refrigeration, so they do when they are combined! However, don’t keep it too long in a warm climate, because the oil may turn rancid.
  • Add more garlic if you like it to be more emphatic
  • With the sundried tomatoes I normally buy, I need at least 1/4 tsp salt.
  • Be aware that some sun-dried tomatoes in oil have vinegar already added, so taste them first to make sure you don't overpower your pesto with the taste.
  • Try adding a few chilli flakes if you’re fond of them
  • Capers would also go well in this pesto
  • If you’re feeling wealthy, use pinenuts instead of the sunflower seeds. Or any other nut or seed that takes your fancy.

01 April 2023

Mushroom and sunflower seed pâté


This is truly delicious and certainly good enough for a special occasion.  It's also inexpensive, keeps several days in a covered bowl, without refrigeration and leftovers go well in a sandwich. They can also be thinned with a little water, milk or wine to make a great pasta sauce.

Serves 4
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1 onion, diced
3-6 cloves garlic (depending on size), minced
2 cups (200 g) mushrooms, chopped
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 1/2 tsp dried sage
1/2 tsp coarsely ground black pepper
2 tbsp soy sauce
salt to taste
water as needed for blending

  • Toast the sunflower seeds in a frying pan, over a medium high heat until they are golden brown. Stir frequently. Set aside.
  • In the same pan, heat the olive oil and then add the onion and fry for a couple of minutes until it's starting to turn translucent.
  • Add the garlic, mushrooms, pepper and herbs.
  • Continue to fry until the mushrooms have shrunk down and their liquid has evaporated. If the mushrooms are a bit dry, add a splash of water (or wine) to start them off
  • Remove from the heat, and stir in the soy sauce 
  • When the seeds and mushroom mixture have cooled down enough, combine them in a blender. Blend whilst gradually adding a splash of water until you have a spreadable uniform texture. Scrape down the sides as needed The amount of water you need will vary, so start off slowly. If you have a high speed blender, you may not need to add any.
  • Add salt to taste and blend once again before serving.
  • Add extra coarsely-cracked pepper 
  • Add Dijon mustard 
  • As with traditional liver pâté, this is quite strongly seasoned with thyme.  If you're not fond of that herb, you might want to add the herbs at the end and taste as you go.  
  • Add sherry or brandy to deglaze the pan 
  • Use deodorised coconut oil instead of olive oil for a richer texture. 
  • Make ‛butter’ to pour over the top with deodorised coconut oil, a touch of turmeric and a pinch of salt. 
  • Use toasted walnuts instead of sunflower seeds.
  • Try the pâté with different types of mushrooms.

Vegan garlic and herb soft "cheese"

While this tastes nothing at all like cheese, it is a very pleasant spread, with a similar consistency to soft cheese.  The lemon juice gives a hint of sourness, which might possibly remind the more  imaginative of goats' cheese.  If you can make it well in advance, so much the better: it will let the flavours combine all the more.  As you are unlikely to have fresh herbs, don't be mean with the flavourings .

Makes about 1/2 cup

1/2 cup sunflower seeds or blanched peanuts
1 1/2 tsp nutritional yeast
1/2 tbsp lemon juice
1 clove garlic peeled and crushed
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp chives or other fresh herbs, finely chopped
1/2 tbsp reserved soaking water

  • Soak sunflower seeds/peanuts in water overnight or simmer them for 10 minutes. Then drain and reserve the water. 
  • Put about half the chives aside, and then put the seeds, yeast, lemon juice, garlic, garlic powder, Annie's Mixed Herbs and salt in a blender. Blend until the cheese comes together, achieving uniform consistency. 
  • If all the ingredients get stuck to the side of the blender, which they probably will, scrape down the sides as often as necessary, adding a little more water, if required.
  • Taste critically and adjust the seasoning. You may want to add more garlic, herbs or lemon juice. 
  • Shape the cheese on a plate by hand, or simply serve in a bowl or on a plate, topped with the extra fresh chives.
The flavours of this vegan cheese develop and combine together, so it’s worth not eating it all up at once! It seems to keep quite well for several days, loosely covered.
  • Substitute, or add onion powder for the garlic powder.
  • Use different nuts or seeds.
  • Add smoked paprika
  • Add chilli flakes
  • Add some chopped peppadew peppers after blending.
  • Add chopped capers after blending.
  • Mix in some pesto once the mixture is blended.
  • Form the cheese into a log and roll in either Annie's Mixed Herbs or cracked black pepper.