I once wrote a book entitled "Voyaging on a Small Income" and the parts about provisioning and cooking proved very popular. "The Voyaging Vegetarian" would have followed, but so few people were then vegetarians that I thought no-one would publish it. Now many more people realise that eating dead animals is unkind and bad for the planet. I hope a blog, which I can update with new recipes, will work better than a book for liveaboards and aspiring voyagers, and those living simply in small spaces.
Back in the 80s, I wrote a book called "Voyaging on a Small Income", which was published and sold astonishingly well. It’s become almost a “classic” and is probably why you’ve found this site!
I’ve been living aboard and sailing since the 70s. Nine different boats have been home, sometimes for several months, sometimes for many years. I love the way of life, the small footprint and being close to Nature. I’m a great fan of junk rig and having extensive experience with both gaff and bermudian rig, I wouldn’t have any other sail on my boat. It’s ideal as a voyaging rig, but also perfect for the coastal sailing that I now do. I’d rather stay in New Zealand, not having to keep saying goodbye to friends, than go voyaging, these days.
Between 2015 and 2021, I built the 26ft "FanShi", the boat I now call home. For the last 45 years or so, my diet of choice has been vegetarian and is now almost vegan. I love cooking and particularly enjoy having only myself to please. I am combining all these interests (apart, perhaps, from junk rig!) in this blog. I hope you enjoy it. I also have other blogs: www.anniehill.blogspot.com and http://fanshiwanderingandwondering.wordpress.com
Panch phoron is a spice blend used in Eastern India, in Bengali,
Assamese, and Oriya cuisine and also in Bangladesh and Nepal. It is
a blend of black mustard, nigella, fennel, fenugreek and brown cumin
seeds and, really, it couldn’t be easier to make!
According from which region the blend is made, the five spices can be added in equal
quantities or vary slightly. I make mine with equal quantities of
mustard, fennel, cumin, and nigella seeds and half the amount of
fenugreek seeds, which have a bitterness that can be a bit
overwhelming for some people, although I love it. Panch phoron is
typically fried in hot oil, which causes the spices to start popping
to release the flavours and temper the oil.
This spice blend is worth
having to hand when you are in a bit of a hurry and want something
that tastes good, but without putting in too much effort. Make a
simple dal or vegetable dish, by frying the usual garlic, ginger and
diced green chilli together, with a chopped onion, if you want. Then
add the dal/vegetables and cook to your taste. You can then fry a
tsp of panch phoron in some oil and add this tempering to the dal or
vegetable dish before serving.
Makes about 3
2 tsp cumin seeds
2 tsp fennel seeds
2 tsp black
mustard seeds
2 tsp nigella seeds
1 tsp fenugreek seeds
Combine the
whole spices and store in an airtight container.
I have been working on this recipe for a while, now, determined to get it right. I think most people enjoy sausages, with mash, or chips or as part of a huge fried breakfast. What I love about this recipe is that is definitely a voyaging one, which means that you can have sausages half way across the ocean, should you so choose. Not something many people can boast of, unless they have a freezer. In true voyaging style, the ones in the photo above are served with 'Surprise' peas. Judging by the rest of the stuff on the table, the sea is pretty smooth! These sausages are also quite fast to make, especially if you already have some sausage seasoning mixed: once you've cooked the sausages in the pressure cooker, they only need a few minutes in the frying pan to brown them to your taste. Apart from my recipe for chorizo, this will be my first post about seitan, and I think it's a particularly good one to start with.
am besotted with seitan recipes: the texture is so different from
most other vegetarian and vegan foods, it’s cheap and making ‛meat’
with it is so quick. These ‛English’ sausages are great on
their own, in a bun/sandwich or as part of an ‛English’
breakfast. The seasoning is based on that used in Cumberland
sausage and the couscous is to replace the rusk that is always used
in British bangers, to keep the juices in the sausage so that they
don’t dry out. In this way they're quite different from
Bratwurst or other 100% meat sausages. In the days when I
occasionally ate meat, I always found these tricky to cook because of
the tendency of the ‛100% meat’ sausage to dry out, especially if
they were also low fat. Of course, the result isn’t as juicy as
a good quality meat banger, but I do feel that the addition of
couscous keeps it a little more moist. If you don’t want to use
couscous, go for the chorizo sausage recipe instead (link above) instead, and substitute the sausage
seasoning for that included in the chorizo recipe.
of the herbs, spices and salt in the recipe, shown in italics, I
recommend using 3 tsp Annie's English sausage seasoning, for
a more complex flavour (see recipe at the bottom of the page.) There's a generous amount of seasoning, because the seitan otherwise has
no flavour. It does in fact, have a slight, indescribable taste, which can be
a bit intrusive, and this is why the ingredients include vinegar.
Most of the recipes that I’ve seen always insist on ‘apple cider’
vinegar (what other sort of cider is there? Surely the definition of
cider is fermented apple juice?), but any vinegar, apart from
Balsamic, would work just fine. So no doubt would lemon juice, but
vinegar is cheaper.
6 sausages, 2 servings
cup couscous
tsp yeast extract or miso
cup boiling water
tsp crushed black pepper
tsp thyme
tsp sage
- 1/4 tsp cayenne
tsp freshly ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp
OR 3 tsp Annie's English sausage seasoning
1/4 cup (60
ml) water
tbsp soya sauce
tsp vinegar
heaped tsp tahini
tbsp olive oil or deodorised coconut oil, melted
tbsp chickpea flour
cup vital wheat gluten
baking parchment into 6 sheets, approximately 200/8" x 150/6".
the couscous in a large bowl.
the yeast extract/miso in 2/3 cup boiling water and
then pour it over the couscous. Cover the bowl and leave it
for about ten minutes until the water has been absorbed.
mix the seasoning into the couscous.
the 1/4 cup of water and mix well.
add the soya sauce, followed by the vinegar, tahini
and oil. Mix this all very thoroughly, because once you have
added the vital wheat gluten it will be difficult to incorporate the
other ingredients evenly.
add the chickpea flour and the vitalwheatgluten and quickly mix it in to the rest of the
ingredients. Again do this very thoroughly. I find a
butter knife the best tool.
as well as you can with your knife and then use your hand,
incorporating all the flour that will be trying to stick to the edge
of the bowl. Keep mixing until everything until you have a smooth dough and it stops sticking to your hands. You should end up with a fairly
soft mix.
the dough on a board. (Make sure you clean the bowl really thoroughly, because the gluten sticks as soon as it dries out, making it quite difficult to clean. Soak it for a while if you've left much behind, before cleaniing.) Roughly shape it into a rectangle about
as long as you want your sausages to be. (The dough is
nowhere near as accommodating as bread dough when it comes to
the dough in half and then thirds so that you have six equal lumps
of dough. I usually have to pinch a bit of dough from one or two to
get them all more or less the same size.
the sausages to be best of your ability – the wrapping finishes
the job. Don’t worry about gaps and creases. The cooking
sorts out most of that. It would be fun to try to make one long
sausage, wrap it up in baking paper and then form it into a coil to
put onto the trivet. This would produce and authentic Cumberland
sausage shape, which would be fun and impressive, but I’m not sure
how well it would work.
put each sausage, centred at the edge of a piece of baking paper and
roll it up tightly. This helps make it round. Twist the paper at
either end, until it is squashed against the end of the sausage.
Do this with all six sausages.
the trivet into your pressure cooker. Add about half a cup of
water – don’t let it cover the trivet. Place the sausages
onto the trivet – it doesn’t matter if they are stacked – and
bring up to pressure; cook for 5 minutes.
the pressure come down naturally.
they’re cooked, take the sausages out of the pressure cooker and
unwrap them. Put them somewhere where they can cool and dry
out a little before storing them. I find they keep best in my
wooden bread bin! Fry them before using them – the added olive
oil gives additional flavour and I enjoy cooking them until they are
slightly crisp.
Serve with mashed or smashed potatoes and vegetables, or any way that you enjoy your sausages. They will stand up happily to barbecuing or cooking on the beach.
English Sausage seasoning:
enough for about 60 sausages, or 20 servings
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
tsp ground mace
1/2 tbsp salt
tbsp black pepper
tbsp rubbed sage
tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp thyme
tsp cayenne
1/2 tsp ground coriander
you don’t have ground nutmeg or mace (which don’t
keep well ready-ground) grind up about 1/2 a nutmeg in a
mortar or blender. Remove 1 1/2 tsp and add to a bowl.
several blades of mace, grind to a powder, remove 1 tsp and
add to the nutmeg.
add all the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Put into a
glass jar and keep as cool and dark as feasible.
3 tsp of sausage seasoning to 1/3 cup vital wheat gluten,
ie, per 6 sausages.
This is a very well-flavoured, spicy blend to add to sausages, using whatever recipe you like. It is based on several recipes for Cumberland sauasage, a popular English variety and native to the next county I grew up in. It makes for an astonishingly authentic taste in sausages that are entirely innocent of meat.
Makes enough for about 60
sausages, or 20 servings
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
tsp ground mace
1/2 tbsp salt
tbsp black pepper
tbsp rubbed sage
tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1/4 tsp thyme
tsp cayenne
1/2 tsp ground coriander
you don’t have ground nutmeg or mace (which don’t
keep well ready-ground) grind up about 1/2 a nutmeg in a
mortar or blender. Remove 1 1/2 tsp and add to a bowl.
several blades of mace, grind to a powder, remove 1 tsp and
add to the nutmeg.
add all the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Put into a
glass jar and keep as cool and dark as feasible.
PavBhaji is a popular Indian street food and is
usually made in huge pans. Pav means “a small bun,” while
bhaji means “vegetable.” The spice blend used to make the
vegetable stew is different from the usual garam masala (or curry
powder!) and has sour and sweet notes. The black peppercorns add a
background heat, and the other spices add glorious scent and flavours
to the blend. It can be used on any vegetable side dish or you could
experiment with adding it to vegetable curry.
Makes about 1/4 cup
4 tsp
coriander seeds
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp
fennel seeds
4 whole
black cardamoms or use whole green cardamoms
4 cloves
1/2 to 3/4
tsp chilli flakes
1/2 tsp
black peppercorns
1 tsp
ground cinnamon (not cassia)
3 tsp dry
mango powder/amchar
Heat a large skillet over medium heat.
Add coriander, cumin, fennel, cardamoms, cloves, chill flakes and peppercorns and dry roast for a couple of minutes,
until the coriander and fennel seeds start to change colour. Cool
slightly and transfer to a spice grinder.
Add the cinnamon and mango
powder and grind the ingredients to a powder. Transfer to an
airtight container and store in the proverbial cool, dark space. A glass jar is better for blended spices.
Real Harissa, is a paste made from the following spices, plus roasted red pepper, tomato purée, fresh garlic, lemon juice and extra virgin olive oil. It is totally delicious and can be used in many ways. Unfortunately, when you make it yourself, it will soon go mouldy unless you have refrigeration, like most things that contain tomato. You can, however, use the following recipe and mix it with the above ingredients to make an ersatz harissa paste, in the quantity you need. (Instead of a whole roast pepper, just cut off a piece of red pepper and hold it over a flame until the skin chars. Then remove the skin and blend it with the above ingredients and some of your harissa seasoning from the recipe below, in a blender.)
However, this seasoning is good in Moroccan recipes, especially if you incorporate some or all of the other ingredients in the same dish. It's also an excellent condiment when you've made something and just want to add a little more 'zing' to it!
Toast the cumin, coriander, and caraway seeds on a dry pan over low-medium heat. Toast only until they are fragrant.
Remove the seeds from the heat and, once they are cold, add to a blender with the garlic and grind to a powder. Alternatively pound them using a pestle and pestle.
Transfer the powder to a bowl and add the smoked paprika. Mix thoroughly.
Store in an air tight container.
We all have different ideas of what constitutes ‛hot’, and you can’t realistically taste the blend until you use it, because the spices are essentially raw. However, if you find it a bit bland, add ½ tsp cayenne. Next time you make it, either add the cayenne at the time or some more chilli flakes.
Most people enjoy salty food, and sprinkle it generously over their chips, popcorn, fried tomatoes, etc. Unless you have, or are susceptible to high blood pressure, there's not much to say against this habit, however, adding a few herbs and spices brings salt into an entirely different realm of condiment. There is also a school of thought that reckons herbs and spices have properties that enhance your gut health (as well as tasting delicious) and can be included in our quest to eat a widely varied diet, which is often no mean feat on a small boat with ditto income. Anyway, I recommend that instead of buying seasoned salt, you make your own. It's a lot cheaper, for a start.
This recipe is for a modest amount because some of the ingredients are susceptible to damp and tend to absorb moisture and go hard.
tbsp salt
tbsp dried, minced garlic
tbsp ground black pepper
tbsp onion powder
tbsp ground cumin
tbsp oregano
tbsp celery salt or 1 tbsp celery seed
tsp dried chilli flakes or 1/2 tsp cayenne
For a finer mix, you can put everything into a spice grinder, if you have one. In which case, you can use whole peppercorns and cumin seeds, which will make an even better seasoning! Mix it up in another bowl and then grind a tablespoon or so at a time.
I once bought a container of ‘Italian mixed herbs’ and for ages
tried to puzzle out what was so special about it. At last, it came
to me – there was a lot of fennel in the mixture. I found I much preferred the flavour to normal mixed herbs and when the container was finished, experimented
with a number of combinations, until I came up with the following. I
think there is a satisfying balance here between the sweet, the
pungent and the robust, with the fennel adding that certain je
ne sais quoi to the whole deal.You could, if you preferred, use ground fennel, but I always have fennel seed on board for my curries and if you happen to bite one, they add a delicious burst of flavour.
Incidentally, don’t even think
of using ‘ground garlic’ in this – it tends to gum everything
together. If you don't have dried, minced garlic, then leave it out.
The following recipe makes
about ¼ of a cup.
tsp dried basil
tsp fennel seed
tsp dried, minced garlic
tsp dried mint
tsp dried oregano
tsp dried rosemary
1.5 tsp dried sage
tsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp ground cinammon
1 tsp chilli flakes
everything together in a bowl and then put into an airtight jar.